Understanding Muslim Brotherhood Statements on Eid al-Adha


The London Front of the International Muslim Brotherhood Organisation has issued a statement by its acting leader, Salah Abdel Haq, on the occasion of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. In his statement, Abdel Haq described the festival as a symbol of victory after a period of struggle. He also congratulated the mujahideen, or fighters for the Islamic cause, in Egypt and Palestine.

He pointed out that jihad, or holy war, was for them a religious duty and a fundamental part of their mission. He emphasised their interpretation of the religious principles of Islam. He also called for freedom, but always within the framework of their religious beliefs.

For its part, the Muslim Brotherhood Front in Turkey, led by Mahmoud Hussein, also offered its Eid greetings, expressing optimism for the future.

While the two groups are affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood, their positions have historically differed. In fact, the London Front has adopted more radical positions than the more moderate Turkish Front.

Consequently, the declaration illustrates the differences of interpretation and approach that can exist within the Muslim Brotherhood movement, particularly on issues such as jihad and the role of religion in political action.


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